CRAN Hugo shortcodes
Lately, I have been testing Hugo as a blogging platform.
It is very R-friendly thanks to R package blogdown: as a result, you can write both in Markdown (.md
) and in R Markdown (.Rmd
), to create interactive blog posts.
CRAN links
The first issue I encountered was the necessity to insert links to a CRAN package without copy-pasting the whole link everywhere.
This was the first occasion to experiment with Hugo shortcodes!
In short, save the following line to the file layouts/shortcodes/cran.html
in your Hugo tree:
<a href="{{ .Get 0 }}/">{{ .Get 0 }}</a>
Then, to make a link to the blogdown
package, you can simply write
{{< cran blogdown >}}
somewhere in your post.
And here is the result: blogdown
CRAN badges
Similarly, one can insert CRAN badges for a package using the following shortcode:
<a href="{{ .Get 0 }}" class="image-link"><img src="{{ .Get 0 }}"></img></a>
Save it as layouts/shortcodes/cran-badge.html
as before.
A badge for the dplyr package can be inserted as follows:
{{< cran-badge dplyr >}}
To remove the link underline for some Hugo themes, you have to add and tweak your image-link
CSS class to the /static/css/custom.css
.image-link {
border-bottom: 0 !important;
Minimo inserts the underline by modifying the border-bottom
property. Other themes might do otherwise, e.g. by changing text-decoration
. Just find what works on your theme!