Run the simplest CPU benchmark using a Docker image

Ever needed a way to run a single-core benchmark on a machine?

From this blog post, the Linux calculator bc can be used as a benchmark tool with almost no requirements. We only need a Linux shell capable of running the command time, and of course bc.

E.g. we can measure the time needed to compute \(\pi\) to 5000 digits:

time echo "scale=5000; a(1)*4" | bc -l

Here’s the output of my machine under WSL:

bc -l  20.83s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 20.950 total

Docker image

The simplest benchmark can be associated to the simplest Docker machine.
The image is only 5 MB in size!

Here’s the associated Dockerfile:

# A simple /bin/sh CPU benchmark using bc on alpine image
# From:

FROM alpine

RUN apk update && apk add bc

WORKDIR '/payload'
CMD ["sh", ""]

where is a wrapper for the benchmark command (source).

time sh -c 'echo "scale=5000; a(1)*4" | bc -l'

Sadly the wrapper is necessary to correctly pass time to the shell.


Usage is absolutely trivial:

docker run -it lgaborini/benchmarkbash

Notice that alpine uses sh, which outputs the time in a slightly different format:

real    0m 26.09s
user    0m 26.06s
sys     0m 0.00s
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